My Master thesis dissertation: Attack-Defense-Tree Driven Creation of Protection Profiles. February 2013.
My PhD dissertation: Testing and Modeling Security Mechanisms in Web Applications. September 2010.
Mouelhi Tejeddine, Donia El Kateb, Le Traon Yves. Inroads in Access Control Testing.
Advances in Computers Volume 99, Elsevier, Book chapter.
XU Dianxiang, KENT Michael, THOMAS Lijo, MOUELHI Tejeddine, and LE TRAON Yves.
Automated Model-Based Testing of Role-Based Access Control Using Predicate/Transition Nets.
IEEE Transactions on Computers.
Daoudagh Said, El Kateb Donia, Lonetti Francesca, Marchetti Eda, and Mouelhi Tejeddine
A Toolchain for Model-Based Design and Testing of Access Control Systems.
in proceeding of MODELSWARD 2015, 9-11 February 2015, Angers, France.
BERTOLINO Antonia, DAOUDAGH Said, EL KATEB Donia, HENARD Christopher, LE TRAON Yves, LONETTI Francesca, MARCHETTI Eda , MOUELHI Tejeddine, and PAPADAKIS Mike:
Similarity testing for access control. Information & Software Technology 58: 355-372 (2015)
Coverage-based Test Cases Selection for XACML Policies, The Fifth International Workshop on Security Testing (SecTest'14), Co-located with ICST'14, Cleveland, Ohio March 31, 2014.
ELKATEB Donia, ZANNONE Nicola, MOAWAD Assaad, CAIRE Patrice, MOUELHI Tejeddine, LE TRAON Yves,
Conviviality-Driven Access Control Policy. Requirement Engineering Journal, Springer, To appear.
H. NGUYEN Phu , NAIN Gregory, KlLEIN Jacques, MOUELHI Tejeddine, and LE TRAON Yves,
Modularity and Dynamic Adaptation of Flexibly Secure Systems: Model-Driven Adaptive Delegation in Access Control Management. LNCS, Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Springer, To appear.
Access Control Enforcement Testing, 8th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST 2013), Co-located with ICSE'13, San Francisco, USA, 18-19 May 2013.
H. NGUYEN Phu, NAIN Gregory, KLEIN Jacques, MOUELHI Tejeddine, LE TRAON Yves,
Model-Driven Adaptive Delegation. In Proceeding of 11th the Aspect-Oriented Software Development conference, AOSD'13. Fukuoka, Japan, 24-29 March 2013.
Selection of Regression System Tests for Security Policy Evolution. In Proceedings of the 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2012), Short Paper, Essen, Germany, September 2012.
XU Dianxiang, THOMAS Lijo, KENT Michael, MOUELHI Tejeddine and LE TRAON Yves.
A Model-Based Approach to Automated Testing of Access Control Policies. Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2012), NEWARK, USA, 20-22 June 2012.
ELKATEB Donia, MOUELHI Tejeddine, LE TRAON Yves, HWANG Jeehyun and XIE Tao.
Refactoring Access Control Policies for Performance Improvement. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2012), Boston, MA, USA, 21-25 April 2012.
ElRAKAIBY Yehia, MOUELHI Tejeddine and LE TRAON Yves.
Testing Obligation Policy Enforcement using Mutation Analysis. MUTATION'12, 17 Ap. 12, Montréal, Canada.
Verifying Access Control in Statecharts, Proceedings of the MPM 2011 workshop (co-located with MoDELS 2011), Wellington, New Zealand, (accepted as a poster in the workshop).
BARTEL Alexandre, KLEIN Jacques, MOUELHI Tejeddine, LE TRAON Yves
Model Driven Mutation Applied to Adaptative Systems Testing. MUTATION'11: 6th International workshop on mutation analysis in conjunction with ICST'11 25 March, 2011, Berlin Germany.
MOUELHI Tejeddine, LE TRAON Yves, ABGRALL Erwan, BAUDRY Benoit, GOMBAULT Sylvain
Tailored Shielding and Bypass Testing of Web Applications. ICST 2011: 3rd International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation, 21-25 March, 2011, Berlin Germany.
Language-specific vs. language-independent approaches: embedding semantics on a metamodel for testing and verifying access control policies. Workshop on Quality of Model-Based Testing (QuoMBaT) , 06 april 2010, Paris, France, 2010
MORIN Brice, MOUELHI Tejeddine, FLEUREY Franck, BARAIS Olivier, LE TRAON Yves and JÉZÉQUEL J-M,
Security-driven model-based dynamic adaptation25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 20-24 september 2010, Antwerp, Belgium, 2010
MOUELHI Tejeddine, LE TRAON Yves, BAUDRY Benoit
Transforming and selecting functional test cases for security policy testing. ICST 2009 : 2nd International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation, 01-04 april 2009, Denver, Colorado, United States, 2009
Mouelhi Tejeddine, LE TRAON Yves, BAUDRY Benoit
Utilisations de la mutation pour les tests de contrôle d'accès dans les applications. SARSSI 2009 : 4ème conférence sur la sécurité des architectures réseaux et des systèmes d'information, 22-26 juin 2009, Luchon, France, 2009
MOUELHI Tejeddine, FLEUREY Franck, BAUDRY Benoit, LE TRAON Yves
A model-based framework for security policies specification, deployment and testing. MoDELS'08: ACM/IEEE 11th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 28 Septembre - 3 Octobre, Toulouse, France, 2008
MOUELHI Tejeddine, FLEUREY Franck, BAUDRY Benoit, LE TRAON Yves
Mutating DAC And MAC Security Policies: A Generic Metamodel Based Approach. Modeling Security Workshop In Association with MODELS '08, 28th September, Toulouse, France , 2008
MOUELHI Tejeddine, LE TRAON Yves, PRETSCHNER Alexander, BAUDRY Benoit
Test-Driven Assessment of Access Control in Legacy Applications. ICST 2008 : First IEEE International Conference on Software, Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), April 9-11, Lillehammer, Norway, 2008
MOUELHI Tejeddine, LE TRAON Yves, PRETSCHNER Alexander
Model-Based Tests for Access Control Policies. ICST 2008 : First IEEE International Conference on Software, Testing, Verification and Validation, April 9-11, Lillehammer, Norway, 2008
MOUELHI Tejeddine, BAUDRY Benoit, FLEUREY Franck
A Generic Metamodel For Security Policies Mutation. SecTest 08: 1st International ICST workshop on Security Testing, April 9, Lillehammer, Norway, 2008
LE TRAON Yves, MOUELHI Tejeddine, BAUDRY Benoit
Testing security policies : going beyond functional testing. ISSRE'07 : The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, November 5-9, Trollhätan, Sweden, 2007
MOUELHI Tejeddine, LE TRAON Yves, BAUDRY Benoit
Mutation analysis for security tests qualification. Mutation'07 : third workshop on mutation analysis in conjuction with TAIC-Part, September 10-11, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK, 2007